A classroom art project that was made to depict the 4 temperaments that come from the Hippocratic 4 humors theory. Namely Choleric, Melancholic, Phlegmatic and Sanguine. Hands were used as a medium to depict Visual and gestural cues borrowed from each temperament.
I picked up 'Lens and studio craft' as an art elective at UNSW, Sydney because of my interest in photography. 'The four humors' was a classroom project wherein we'd have to visually depict the 4 temperaments from the Hippocratic theory namely 1) Chloeric 2) Sanguine 3) Melancholic 4) Phlegmatic. Learning expression through abstract medium felt like a challenge, but I enjoyed the process of coming up with something that held weightage in my view as that's what's important about art; it is personal. I used hands and colours as a medium to translate the meaning of the humors visually.